23% sales increase in Dell products by Cosmos Business Systems | CBS

23% sales increase in Dell products by Cosmos Business Systems

23% sales increase in Dell products by Cosmos Business Systems

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With an increase of 23% in sales of DELL products, 2022 closed for Cosmos Business Systems, which owned the highest tier in the Dell Technologies partner program as a Dell Titanium Partner.


Specifically, there was an increase in sales in all product categories: storage, servers, networking & services.


In collaboration with DELL, Cosmos Business Systems offers solutions that allow businesses to maximize their potential by increasing their savings while bringing significant benefits to their customers, meeting their IT equipment and infrastructure needs, making it the most suitable partner for businesses wishing to achieve digital transformation.


Cosmos Business Systems, as a Dell Titanium Partner, seal its expertise in all product categories (PCs, Notebooks, Servers, Storage, Networking) & services (Data Domain, PowerStore, SC Series), as well as the long-standing partnership of trust, setting high goals for complex and flagship projects in the private and public sector.